What does 4 years of marriage look like?

Do you love me?


You’re so romantic.

I know.

I love you!


Why wont’ you say the words?

Why do you need to hear it when you know its true?

Call me pretty.

You are. I am with you, arnt I?

Yeah, but that doesn’t feel the same.

Well, I know what I mean.

If I didn’t want you more than anything, I wouldn’t be here.

Yeah, but why won’t you say it?

You are driving me crazy.

So are you. So do you love me?


Will you always stay with me?

I don’t think I have a choice anymore.

But if you did?

Of course I would.

Okay. Just checking.

Will you hold me when I cry?

I always do.

What about when we have to move away from our friends and I am heart broken?

We will always have eachother.


Pinky swear.

❤ Happy 4 year anniversary husband. You are still my favorite person. 12/20/2012.

4 thoughts on “What does 4 years of marriage look like?

  1. Love it! It was Funny in it’s exposure of the insecurities that don’t go away despite several years of connection and I really wasn’t expecting such an endearing ending! He’s definitely a keeper but I guess you already know that!


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